
just some thoughts

sorry guys, but as i indicated very clearly before, i'm unable to read and type in chinese here, so please be considerate. i'm sure some of you must be able to translate this piece of in-fact-very-simple article. or maybe you should consult david, his english is good
in rememberance of sirius black


以下是引用猫一咪在2004-4-21 13:41:46的发言:


It is ok that you write this in English. In fact some thoughts involving love and affection can not be well expressed in one language, so we resort to another language to make our feeling fully exposed. I am glad u will go to England. I am sure David will have concert there. London is also a center for pop music. Years ago Harlem Yu had MTV unplugged live there, the first unplugged live concert of an chinese musician. I am sure David will be the 2nd and the best!!!!!

Sorry 我不在 請在beep聲後留言
妳永遠不會回來 我的日記變空白
希望有一天我會ok 希望有一天我會ok




有时候我认为陶喆的音乐充满了反差的特性,我们看到一个完美的绅士被一个非常美丽的女人伤了心,十有八九他会歌唱着过去美好的时光和多么想念着她;或者他将会带给我们鲜花鸡尾酒,烛光晚餐,浪漫的约会或甚至是结婚, 用那种干巴巴的幽默来修饰,那种热情的微笑,和惹人讨厌的诱惑的基调。他是成熟的和明智的,敏感的和优雅的;他让我们这些女士们皱眉和沉吟(有一些没准尖叫):“喔,他是那么的才华横溢!”  我们都无法找出他的缺点。之后他一下子变成了这个穿着宽松衣服的十几岁的滑冰男孩,一个棒球帽,嚼着口香糖并且一直带着这种顽皮但是善意的微笑。 他是以他自己的方式成为一个男人的男孩, 他关注事情但他找不到原因或解决方法,他喜欢玩味有难度的和危险的东西但他的心是依赖别人的,他一直在寻找“真实的东西”,他讥讽、嘲弄他关注最多的人, 而且他已经得到了这个总是能让他大笑的女孩 ,她为hip hop和摇滚痴狂 ,就像他一样…… 他们两个我都爱, 因为他们都是陶喆 。我猜大多数的我们在内心里不止有一个自己,有时我们会和内心的另一个自己打架。陶喆的音乐告诉我我并不孤独,当我开心和伤心时, 当我大笑或痛哭时,当我自豪或是想打自己时,当我知道自己可以承受或是当我感到我不能活下去时…… 我知道一定有人会在乎, 就像我在乎陶喆和他的音乐一样(当我打这些字的时候我很惭愧, 讲着我在乎他, 可我从未为他做些什么:P 也许我应该在英国为陶喆开个像这里一样的网站).

(译者在此谈谈自己的想法。这个作者的前两段写得很不错,但我越往后看越糊涂,不知道她到底要说什么了。我尽量翻译得准确却发现很难明白她到底要表达什么,居然里边还出现了“避孕套”这个英文单词。详见原文“滑冰男孩”“戴帽子”那段,a condom hat,不知是她拼写错误还是我孤陋寡闻,不知那个词还有什么别的意思。
[u]if the god choose,i shall love better after i die...[/u]


哇 翻譯 厲害!!

hiyaa!! dude, i totally agree with what you're saying. no sh!t lah.. this is good! i've never actually met someone who could explain the way they felt for david.. in english :) and i'm glad i've finally met one. and i guess your writing explains a lot about the way i feel about david, too, more or less. seems like something i've never comprehended (why i like him, that is). o, and if he does go to london, make sure you go to his concert, take pictures and post them here! :P

tao forever~

ps. who's the girl david's with that you're referring to?

love_dapromise <dt4ever>




hey padfoot, glad to see u here in davidcn,you've been really courageous too by sharing your intimate thoughts & feelings with the rest of us which i'm sure one who've read and understood would've applaud for it. I was much feeling the same as you but perhaps not as in depth as you've triggered alots of my thoughts with the stuff you've covered here. I don't have the flair for writtings, as much as i wanted to have, it's kinda difficult for me to express it out in words and in this aspect but i'm glad you've done it wonderfully well and in English and have people like me reading it, sharing the same sentiments, you don't know how great it feels. But ya know, i always felt the biggest reward i've gain from David is when i started to look inwardly within myself and recognized that fact of my existence whenever i'm in that self-denial state. As people had said the biggest fear is none other but fear in yourself, David's music gave me that strength to face that true self. He has been really encouraging with what he had said "If you've a dream, runaway go for it!", or is it that he sung in that 22 song, "when you realised you could be waiting in vain, you could begin that journey to your dream even with you alone." That's how inspiriting he is.


Btw padfoot, have seen you ard in our English forum before but not anymore, maybe you're busy with stuff but glad that you're still in touch with DT music. Hope that you'll drop by the forum often coz i think you've lotsa of thoughts to share, in fact was hoping if you'll re-post this thread over at the English forum too? i'm sure they'll be wanting to read those too.




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