[U]Family Tree[/U]
i saw a leaf falling from a tree
i started to think about my family tree
my father wasn't in the picture
but funny(haha)i dun feel anything
i started to take care of my brother at seven
my mummy worked from seven to seven
all her life she was slogging(so hard)
so novel(ahhh)just to let us grow
oh,mummy i love you...ohx4
oh,mummy i love you...ohx4
eventhough sometimes i am naughty,nasty and irritating
eventhough sometimes you're a nagging,angry and crazy
oh mummy, i still love you so much
eventhough i dun have a father earthly
but what i do have is a Father in heaven,Father in the heaven,Father in the heaven...
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-14 0:14:20编辑过]