
David四张专辑的Special thanks to~~

David四张专辑的Special thanks to~~


[B]1997> David Tao[/B]
Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with the gift of music so that other’s may know You through me. Thanks, 瑶瑶姐, for giving me this opportunity and for always believing in me. Thanks, 王大哥,for being my mentor and treating me like a brother.

I owe you. Thanks, Jeanna, for going beyond the call of duty and friendship, what have I done to deserve this? Thanks, 娃娃姐, for you’re your immense talent and love of what is beautiful. Thanks, Craig, for your support and golden ears. Thanks, 濮濮,永艾,小叶,赵欣and for believing in my music and supporting me. You guys are truly a Dream Team !Thanks, Manny, I’m glad I didn’t fall asleep on you this time! Thanks, Jim, for whipping my butt when I needed it most! Thanks, Gerald, for believing in me when even I didn’t believe in me. Thanks, Brad, for being a friend through thick and thin. Thanks, 翰群&衍利for your undying support. Thanks, Nissan and 小伦姐, for always taking care of me. Thanks, Virginia姐, without you none of this would have been possible! Thanks, Roger大哥for your care and artistry. Thanks,伯儒, a.k.a. “Microwave” for being so patient with my sweat! Thank, 陈导, and the Red Society for your vision and originality-Red Rules! Thanks, Super Akibo for being such creative genius. Thanks,堂哥, when do you have time to go to the Blue Note? Thank, Jammy, 答应我别再淘气了! Thanks, 高明,you are truly “高明”. Thanks to 卢明近and everyone at 阿犊 for your beautiful work! Thanks, Joshua and Cathy, are you guys looking for a singer? Thanks to the Grayson family, for always treating me like family. Thanks, to the Liu family, for your kindles and generosity. Do I still owe you a massage, Mary? Thanks, 小艾, for your encouragement and support. Thanks, Jeffrey/Sing Young Music, for making everything work! What would I do without you, man? Thanks, Jodi, for helping me find myself and my voice. Thanks, 汉清, for your friendship and good cheer. Thanks, Marian, for being my “right hand”. Thanks, Cat for your support and optimism. Thanks, Alan, for being there when I needed you. Work hard and stay strong, Cuz. Thanks, Lex & Miles/LAFX, for serving me U47’s the way I like’em. Thanks, Mark Audio Affects, it’s so nice to know you guys are there 24-7. Thanks, Daryl & Lorie/Encore, how about Chinese next time? Thanks, Jamie, for always being so sweet and personal. Thanks, Eddy, for that extraicing on the cake! To all the DJ’s, fellow musicians, press media and music lovers for your love and support, Thank you! Thanks, Mel, for everything. Your love has made this album a reality and me complete. And finally… Thanks, Mom and Dad, this album is dedicated to you. Without you there would be no me. I love you all very much, thank you.
This album is dedicated to my friends and family.
This album belongs to them as much as it is mine.

[B]1999>I’m OK[/B]
Throughout these past two years, I have straddled the fine line between being in heaven and hell. I have struggled with myself and waged war with my soul. My spirit has become the battlefield in which the heart and mind have come to claim victory. The reason for engagement are no longer clear and the outcome is no longer of importance. Only in my entire life. I have emerged from these two years with a work that documents this struggle. Nothing is over, but at least it’s time for me to lay down the arms and embrace myself. I need to rest and let the love begin. This is my life and my song. This is also my gift to you, my friends.
This album is dedicated to all of you:
瑶瑶姐,许大哥,濮濮,永艾,小叶,朱朱,小莲,心妮,娃娃姐,Bing, Joshua, Craig, Jim & Jeanna, Jammy, Mom&Dad, Melly, my supporters and colleagues where ever you are in the world.
Mere words cannot express the gratitude I have in my heart for you……陶喆

So many people were responsible in making this album a reality. Without them my music would not be heard and this album would not be in your hands today. I thank you with all my heart for your dedication, faith, and love and also for your friendship. This album is for all of you. Thank You Lord for guiding all of us in the making of this album. It is only through You that I have the lucidity and strength to share this love..

瑶瑶姐&许大哥-因为你们对我的相信和信心使得我的音乐有机会被听到。我想其它人早就对我放弃了 濮濮&永艾-从1997到现在我们都是靠你们的一份信念和爱走过来的。赵欣,小莲妹,妞儿,淑倩,小杜,玫伶-每次看到你们我就觉得好安全 美伦-耶稣是一直在陪伴你的,他知道你的辛苦。娃娃姐-这次好像又回到了第一张的那种感觉。谢谢你对我容忍和了解。我看只有你了!Andrew Chu-My soul mate, my friend, respected musician-I’m behind you every step of the way. Floss daily! God is with you. Craig Burbidge-The older you get the sharper your ears and brain gets. Amazing, Craig. Dave Collins, Eddie & Marcussen Mastering-thanks for being so patient and accommodating. I know I drive you guys crazy! Brad Olynyk-an old friend whom I seldom see but always miss Abe, Bruce, Russ, Lance, and Dean-you took this album to a place I wanted to go but wouldn’t have been able to find alone. Jerry Fan-thanks for helping us put back the attitude and brains into music 伟能,Janus, Dean-能够和你们合作让我学了很多东西。黄中平大哥-能够这么快又精准的抓住柳丁的精神让我很感动 Frieda Ma-你对于你的work的坚持给我更多的动力要做好音乐 徐小峰-你疯了,可是我们都很爱你!黄建昌大哥=这么多年,没想到会有一天你嫌我太瘦吧!爸、妈-这几年儿子没有好好当可是一切会稳定下来的。谢谢你们一直给我这么多的爱。I love you, Mon&Dad. 王治平大哥-我知道你一直都是默默地在关心我。谢谢你这么多年对我的看顾 Bao-I know we’ve been through quite a bit but you’ll always be special to me. It’s your show now. Emily Chiang-if there’s ever somebody who redefines what a friend is it’s you. Thank youyou’re your heart and love. Jerry Wu, Amanda Liu, Eric & Judy Tu, James Yen, Christine Choe, Young Chang, Stephanie Chen- thanks for your reminding me what true friends are all about. For a while, I was wondering if I had friends anymore. Amy Liang-things didn’t work out this time but who knows what the future holds? Hanks Yeh-thanks for walking so far with us. God bless you. Anita Mui and Calvin Choy-你们来LA的那天对我真的很有意义。Thanks for you undying love and kindness. Tension (Jimmy, Brain, Andy, Ray, John)-thanks for being patient and understanding during the making of this album. Now it’s your turn! Jim Lee-in my mind you are the A-side King. Thanks for believing in me always. Horace-so fat away yet so close at heart 光禹-这么爱音乐的人已经不多了,就看你了。海琪-such a warrior and fighter but with so much love and compassion. Don’t give up. Frankie Lee & Raymond Chan-thanks for always believing in me. I still haven’t forgotten about our side project, Raymond! Catherine Leung-an old friend who has gone through many changes but still is on top of things. Thanks for bringing me to HK  Lee Hom-I’m done with this one, dude! My eyes are on you now. Michelle Yeoh-Different medium but same heart and dedication. Thanks for letting my music into your life. Pastor Chi and Reverend Ray-you bring light and hole into many lost souls and hearts yet you may not be aware of it. Thanks for guiding us and for bringing us closer to the Lord. 乃吻-the talk we had I’ll remember forever. Individuals like you make me work harder. Don’t give up. Patakan Thai Restaurant-lunch,dinner and breakfast? No, I don’t think so. Lucky-I haven’t always been there to take you out on walks or give you all the attention I would like to but you’re the best dog and friend anybody could have. Miss you! 贱嘴米(Jammy-san)-又不跟我workout,又不让我出去,我还能干吗呢?Eugene Huang-keep at it, Gene, and never give up! Wendy Chan-thanks for holding down the fort while I’m away. You’re wonderful-just smile more, ok?玫瑰、大众、亚洲唱片-这次的音乐不太一样可是很高兴你们依然对我有信心 Music Street and Avex- Thanks for bringing me to the wonderful people of Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. I know who you are lah! (Holly, James, Chris, PingPing, Wendy)

And last but not least, I would like to thank all my fans and supporters everywhere and wherever you are. I’m not one to chat with you guys online and stuff but it doesn’t mean I don’t care about you guys. You’re in my hearts and I made this album for you. Please accept this album as a gift from me. It is a musical picture of my feelings and life but it is also about your life. Find the lamp that lights up your path and walk it with love and compassion. God Bless.


This is a collection of music that spans from 1993 to 2003. During these past ten years. I have amassed quite a bit of material that I would like to share with you. This is by no means a comprehensive compilation though it does represent what I have been trying to achieve through music.

All the tracks have been newly re-mastered with the most current technology and sonic sensibilities. There are also many previously unreleased materials such as demos and alternate versions. These are all included to provide a better picture of the production and creative process through which we make music.

I hope you will enjoy the music contained on this compilation as much as I have enjoyed producing it. Thanks to all those who have supported and challenged me throughout these years. Fans, DJ’s, colleagues, family and friends all around the world-you have made this all possible.

The ability to make music is a gift from God and I hope I can spread love and peace through it. This is my mission.

Thank you. DT

Special thanks to Andrew for going beyond the call on this album(and on everything we do). You have taught me so much about music, love, and friendship these past two years. This album is yours’ just as much as it is mine. May your passion for life and music never die. Also, thanks to Qiu Lin for your lovely voice and eloquence. Your support and friendship is something I will always treasure. Thanks to Brother Shockley for your immense talent and dedication to the art of the moving and still image. Thanks, River, for your undying support and belief in music. I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful working relationship. Thanks to Marcussen Mastering(Lius, Eddie, Stephen) for accommodating our troublesome and complicated project. You are appreciated. Lastly, thanks to the wonderful and creative team of marketing mavens(Li Ying, Serena, &Mitch), music video directors, graphic designers paopaws.com, and promotions experts(KC, Bessie, &Daisy, Mingkung, Tian Fu)for breathing new life into these songs and for making the Ultrasound concept a reality. It is the process of making this album that has made us all the richer and more fulfilled.         

[此帖子已经被作者于2004-4-7 13:37:03编辑过]









以下是引用charster在2003-9-24 9:08:18的发言:



you said right.


heehee he thanked his dog?!! how cute!




can't find Melody in these three special thanks to.....
喆服666号 我希望david 5年出一张album 3年开一次演唱会 不宣传 不作秀 不拍广告(公益广告除外) 不跟bala艺人合唱 ......


以下是引用davidtao在2003-10-25 2:44:21的发言:
can't find Melody in these three special thanks to.....
Thanks, Mel, for everything. Your love has made this album a reality and me complete.

This is for Melody at the last of the first "thanks to..."



David Tao 总是这么谦虚!其实他自己也付出了很大的努力呀!    King顶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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