To All :
My Brother Dean, Veronica and all the performers that took part in all this, you guys rock and you are really the best of the best! I can deeply feel the power and softness within the beatiful melody! Everyone did their part so well that I can't describe my feelings to you at this very moment! I choked and kept crying, I can't believe we made it so cool. Even though the weather here is pretty bad and cold, but I can see the bright sunshine while listening to our product. I know everyone spend a lotta time on this "baby" and watch over him so great. I don't konw what else to say to express my appreciation and affection.
To Dean and Veronica:
You are always my lights and you give me the stength to move on for my little dream. I really appreciate that and also thank you for giving me this great opportunity to perform.
To David:
Do you see all this? Dave. Your passion for music is working and stimulating us to light our fire of life. Remember,we will always be here for you. God Bless.
[ Last edited by J-will on 2005-2-8 at 09:05 ]