
【03/1/24新加坡】我在MTV 大奖中

【03/1/24新加坡】我在MTV 大奖中

David 好好啊!虽然没有拿奖但还是参加了整个盛会!David 真是有善!说话也直接,
做布条,所以DAVID大概只和我挥手,在的一排的坐位上和我挥手。在 David 在颁
奖时,我更是激动。David 就一直在颁奖的地方和我挥手

[此帖子已经被Lunasy于2004-3-10 0:22:57编辑过]

David 只是想把爱,分给所有爱他的歌迷.

这个世界需要   ---------爱-------- -而且是很多的--------------爱-------------。神的爱!


me: David u must make good music.
me:anyway glorify the Lord.(in chinese)
david:what did you just said?i dun understand can u say that in english?
me:Glorify the Lord
.....i continued to take his photo and realised that i forgotten to on my cam
David 只是想把爱,分给所有爱他的歌迷.

这个世界需要   ---------爱-------- -而且是很多的--------------爱-------------。神的爱!


last year october,he came to Singapore to promote his new album and i attended his mini concert(i went to queue for the tickets).there was an autograph seesion,but i got to go to church that afternoon.so i gave it a missed. then,it was the MTV Asia Award.i called in to a radio station and i won the tickets to it!!that was like hell lucky.and that's all.i just saw from another website,these girl 'bumped' into David at Vancouver yesterday2/2/03,and David took a photo with them.compared to them.i am really nothing.
David 只是想把爱,分给所有爱他的歌迷.

这个世界需要   ---------爱-------- -而且是很多的--------------爱-------------。神的爱!


nah..my english is not that great.i always failed my test.serious.
anyway,sure,i will come often to share with you guys about ,David.he's part of my life.the banner i make is very simple.just black background with white paint with his name on it.anyway,i dunno how to upload the pictures.maybe u could help me with that?(it's a bit small thou)thanks!
David 只是想把爱,分给所有爱他的歌迷.

这个世界需要   ---------爱-------- -而且是很多的--------------爱-------------。神的爱!


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